#MotivationMonday - Find your TRIBE!!!

Amy is describing your TRIBE! Those people, family, friends, associates, etc, in your life who push you, support you, love you, and give you the truth all day-every day. These aren't YES people, these are people who've seen you at your best, at your worst, and in-between and still root for you. People you can agree to disagree with and there is NO LOVE LOST!

Your TRIBE can consist of any of the above - friends, family, mentors, co-workers, classmates, etc the list goes on....

I adore my tribe of eclectic, motivated, hustling, and wise mo-fos. They range in age, gender, and background. Some I've known since I was a teen (they've witnessed the Glow-up and constantly remind me how far I've come - and how far I have to go!); some I met during undergrad  and graduate studies or at work; others I randomly met in the course of life and now can't see myself without them. I support them, They support me. We're a family in every sense of the word and without their input, opinions, and perspectives - I have no idea where I would be!

Your Tribe is along for the ride, so choose them carefully:

Finally, remember:


Do you have a TRIBE? Who is in your TRIBE? Who do you plan to do EPIC sh#t with?

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